Jolty UI Jolty UI Documentation Icons Colors


A universal component that allows creating accordions and tabs, without the need to specify unique ids, with accessibility support and keyboard navigation.

Getting started

Let’s start by creating a simple accordion that, when clicking on a button, will open a new panel and close the previous one.

<div data-ui-tablist class="ui-accordion" data-ui-transition="collapse">
  <div class="ui-accordion-item">
    <button data-ui-tablist-tab class="ui-accordion-header ui-active">Accordion header #1</button>
    <div data-ui-tablist-tabpanel>
      <div class="ui-accordion-body">...</div>
  <div class="ui-accordion-item">
    <button data-ui-tablist-tab class="ui-accordion-header">Accordion header #2</button>
    <div data-ui-tablist-tabpanel hidden>
      <div class="ui-accordion-body">...</div>

Then, initialize all elements with the data-ui-tablist attribute.

import { Tablist } from "jolty";

Hash navigation

If you want the tabpanel to open when the URL contains a hash with its id, you can assign it a unique id, and for tab set the data-ui-tablist-tab="{id}" attribute.

If we link tab with tabpanel through a unique id, specifying the data-ui-tablist-tabpanel attribute is unnecessary.

<div data-ui-tablist>
  <button data-ui-tablist-tab="my-tabpanel">Tab #1 <span></span></button>
  <div id="my-tabpanel" hidden>Some content #1</div>


<div class="ui-tabs" data-ui-tablist="ui-tabs">
  <button class="tab" data-ui-tablist-tab="log-in">Log in</button>
  <button class="tab" data-ui-tablist-tab="sign-up">Sign up</button>
<div id="log-in">...</div>
<div id="sign-up" hidden>...</div>

By default, Tablist has accordion settings; to change them to tabs, you need to add the value 'ui-tabs' to the data-ui-tablist attribute or set the data:'ui-tabs' option.

<div data-ui-tablist="ui-tabs">
  <button data-ui-tablist-tab="tabpanel-1">Tab #1</button>
  <button data-ui-tablist-tab="tabpanel-2">Tab #2</button>
  <button data-ui-tablist-tab="tabpanel-3">Tab #2</button>
<div id="tabpanel-1">Tabpanel with id:</div>
<div id="tabpanel-2" hidden>Tabpanel with id:</div>
<div id="tabpanel-3" hidden>Tabpanel with id:</div>
Tabpanel with id: 

Below are two sets of settings; by default, Tablist has settings from the 'ui-accordion' list:

Defaults for the 'ui-tabs' value:

  alwaysExpanded: true,
  horizontal: true,
  arrowActivation: true,
  awaitPrevious: true,
  a11y: 'tabs'

Defaults for the 'ui-accordion' value:

  alwaysExpanded: false,
  horizontal: false,
  arrowActivation: false,
  awaitPrevious: false,
  a11y: 'accordion'

Settings groups

But what if we do not want to specify unique ids or want to use the same settings for other tablists? There is a solution for this - use the static method

<div data-ui-tablist="tabs">
  <button data-ui-tablist-tab>Tab #1</button>
  <button data-ui-tablist-tab>Tab #2</button>
  <button data-ui-tablist-tab>Tab #3</button>
  <div>Tabpanel with id:</div>
  <div hidden>Tabpanel with id:</div>
  <div hidden>Tabpanel with id:</div>
js"tabs", (tablistElem) => {
  return {
    data: "ui-tabs",
    tabpanel: tablistElem.nextElementSibling.children,

We also use data: "ui-tabs" to import the default settings for tabs.

Tabpanel with id: 



.accordion {
  --ui-accordion-bg: transparent;
  --ui-accordion-gap: 0.375rem;
  --ui-accordion-header-bg: var(--gray-1);
  --ui-accordion-header-hover-bg: var(--gray-2);
  --ui-accordion-header-open-color: var(--gray-12);
  --ui-accordion-header-open-bg: var(--gray-1);
  --ui-accordion-header-open-bg-hover: var(--gray-2);
  --ui-accordion-header-padding: 0.75rem 0.75rem 0.75rem 1rem;
  --ui-accordion-header-font-size: var(--text-sm);
  --ui-accordion-header-font-weight: 500;
  --ui-accordion-outline: 2px solid var(--gray-11);
  --ui-accordion-outline-offset: -2px;
  --ui-accordion-arrow-size: 1.375rem;
  --ui-accordion-arrow-icon: var(--ui-icon-chevron-down);
  --ui-accordion-body-padding: 1rem;
  --ui-accordion-border-width: 0;
  --ui-accordion-border-style: var(--ui-border-style);
  --ui-accordion-border-color: var(--ui-border-color);
  --ui-accordion-border-radius: var(--radius);
.accordion--outlined {
  --ui-accordion-border-width: var(--ui-border-width);
.accordion--outlined :where(.accordion-item) {
  border-radius: var(--ui-accordion-border-radius);


.tabs {
  --ui-tabs-bg: transparent;
  --ui-tabs-height: var(--ui-size-lg);
  --ui-tabs-border-width: 0;
  --ui-tabs-border-style: var(--ui-border-style);
  --ui-tabs-border-color: var(--ui-border-color);
  --ui-tabs-border-radius: var(--radius);
  --ui-tabs-padding: 0.25rem;
  --ui-tab-font-size: var(--text-sm);
  --ui-tab-font-weight: 500;
  --ui-tab-color: var(--gray-11);
  --ui-tab-hover-color: var(--gray-12);
  --ui-tab-current-color: var(--gray-12);
  --ui-tab-current-bg: var(--gray-a2);
  --ui-tab-padding: 0 1rem;
  --ui-tab-border-radius: calc(var(--radius) - 0.25rem);
.tabs--sm {
  --ui-tabs-height: var(--ui-size-md);
  --ui-tab-font-size: var(--text-xs);
  --ui-tab-padding: 0 0.75rem;
.tabs--outlined {
  --ui-tabs-bg: var(--ui-main-bg);
  --ui-tabs-border-width: var(--ui-border-width);
.tabs--no-radius {
  --ui-tabs-padding: 0;
  --ui-tabs-border-radius: 0;
  --ui-tab-border-radius: 0;


initBooleantrueShould the instance be automatically initialized when an instance is created? If false, you’ll need to manually initiate it by calling tablist.init().
destroyBooleanfalseAllows you to destroy an instance at a specific breakpoint.
dataString''Allows you to use the default options that have been added by the static method. Attribute: data-ui-tablist
onObjectnullUsed to register event handlers.
appearBooleannullIf you want to apply a transition upon initialization as well, you can set this option to true. Attribute: data-ui-appear
eventPrefixString'ui-tablist:'Prefix for events dispatched on the tablist element.
eventDispatchBoolean, EventName[]trueDefines if events are dispatched or used only within options.
eventBubbleBoolean, EventName[]trueDefines if events should bubble up the DOM.
breakpointsObjectnullDefines custom options for specific breakpoints.
shownid, index, id[], index[], functionnullAccepts id, index or an array of them, there is also an option to set function shown: (Tab) => Boolean.
siblingsBooleantrueShould the tab element look for its tabpanel among the following elements?
alwaysExpandedBooleanfalseShould at least one tab always be open? Attribute: data-ui-always-expanded
multiExpandBooleanfalseCan more than one tab be opened at the same time? Attribute: data-ui-multi-expand
awaitAnimationBooleanfalseCan the tab state be switched if the tablist is in the process of animation?
awaitPreviousBooleanfalseShould the next tab wait for the previous animation to end?
keyboardBooleantrueEnables tabs field via arrow keys.
arrowActivationBooleanfalseShould the tab be turned on as soon as it was focused?
rtlBooleanfalseCreates inversion in switching tabs by the keyboard.
focusFilterFunctionnullDetermines whether the tab element can be focused from the keyboard or not. Accepts a function: (Tab) => Boolean.
horizontalBooleanfalseDetermines in which direction the keyboard field is performed. Attribute: data-ui-horizontal
tabCSSSelector, Element[], Function'[data-ui-tablist-tab]'Defines a selector for searching the tab, also accepts a list of tabs in an array or a function tab: (Tablist) => Element[] or CSSSelector.
tabpanelCSSSelector, Function, Element[]'[data-ui-tablist-tabpanel]'Defines a selector for searching for item elemen among the parents of tab, also accepts a function tabpanel: ({tablist, tab, index}) => Element.
tabClassActiveString'ui-active'CSS class for the tab element when it’s expanded.
itemClassActiveString'ui-active'CSS class for the item element when it’s expanded.
tabpanelClassActiveString'ui-active'CSS class for the tabpanel element when it’s expanded.
hashNavigationBooleantrueDefines whether to show the tab during initialization if the URL hash is equal to the id. Attribute: data-ui-hash-navigation
dismissBoolean, CSSSelectorfalseAllows a tabpanel to be hide when clicked on the button. If it’s true, the hide() method will be called when '[data-ui-dismiss=""],[data-ui-dismiss="tablist"]' is clicked.
stateModeString'hidden'Accepts one of the next values 'hidden','hidden-until-found','inert','class-hidden','class-shown','remove' Attribute: data-ui-hide-mode
keepPlaceBooleantrueDefines if the tabpanels space is preserved when removed by stateMode: 'remove'.


teleportCSSSelector, Element, TeleportOptionsnullObject with TeleportOptions or CSSSelector, Element to set the to option for the teleport. Attribute: data-ui-teleport
toCSSSelector, ElementnullDefines where to move the tabpanel element.
positionString'beforeend'Defines the position for the collapse element once it has been moved. Accepts one of the next values 'beforebegin','afterbegin','beforeend' or 'afterend'
keepPlaceBooleanfalseDefines if the tabpanel element keeps its original place after being destroyed.

Accessibility (a11y)

a11yBoolean, String, A11yOptions'accordion'Object with A11yOptions or true to enable with default options. You can also use one of the following values: 'accordion' or 'tabs'.
roleStringnullAdds the role="tablist" attribute to the tablist element.
tabRoleString'button'Adds the role="tab" attribute to the tab element.
tabpanelRoleString'region'Adds the role="tabpanel" attribute to the tabpanel element.
ariaOrientationBooleantrueAdds the aria-orientation attribute to the tablist element.
stateAttributeString'aria-expanded'You can chose which attribute will be used to indicate the state of the tab.
tabindexBooleanfalseAdds the tabindex attribute to the tab element.
tabpanelTabindexBooleanfalseAdds the tabindex="0" attribute to the tabpanel element.

Defaults for the a11y:'accordion' value:

  role: null,
  tabRole: 'button',
  tabpanelRole: "region",
  ariaOrientation: true,
  stateAttribute: 'aria-expanded',
  tabindex: false,
  tabpanelTabindex: false,

Defaults for the a11y:'tabs' value:

  role: 'tablist',
  tabRole: 'tab',
  tabpanelRole: "tabpanel",
  ariaOrientation: true,
  stateAttribute: 'aria-selected',
  tabindex: true,
  tabpanelTabindex: true,

Hide mode

For more details on how to use, read the State mode section.


For more details on how to use, read the Transition section.


init(options)instanceInitializes the component.
destroy(destroyOptions)instanceDestroys the component. Accepts an object as options { remove: false, keepInstance: false, keepState: false }.
update(options)instanceAccepts options as an argument and updates the component.
on(name, handler)instanceAllows you to register event handler.
off(name, handler)instanceAllows you to remove event handler.
toggle(tab,toggleOptions,force)promiseToggles the tabs’s visibility state between shown and hidden. Accepts true or false as params which sets the animated option or an object { animated: true, silent: false }.
show(tab,toggleOptions)promiseShows the tab. Accepts the same options as toggle().
hide(tab,toggleOptions)promiseHides the tab. Accepts the same options as toggle().
initTabs()tabInstanceSearches for all elements specified in the tab option and initializes them.
initTab(Element)tabInstanceAccepts a tab element and initializes it.
getTab(Element)tabInstanceIn the list of initiated tabs, finds a tab by the HTMLElement, CSSSelector or index.

Tab Instance Methods

destroy(destroyOptions)instance, nullDestroys the tab. Accepts an object { cleanStyles: true, remove: false, keepState: false } where clean option removes all generated attributes and classes, and the remove removes the tab from the DOM.
toggle(tab,toggleOptions,force)promiseToggles the tab’s visibility state between shown and hidden. Toggles the tabs’s visibility state between shown and hidden. Accepts true or false as params which sets the animated option or an object { animated: true, silent: false }.
show(tab, toggleOptions)promiseShows the tab. Accepts the same options as toggle() method.
hide(tab, toggleOptions)promiseHides the tab. Accepts the same options as toggle() method.
toggleDisabled(force)instanceToggle disable attribute on tab.

Class Methods

data(name?, callback)ClassAllows you to set default options for components that have the property data:'name' or by the attribute data-tablist="name".
updateDefault(options)defaultUpdates default options.
initAll(root)instanceSearches for elements in root, which defaults to document with the attribute data-ui-tablist and initializes them.
get(id or elem)instanceSearches for an instance by id or element (checks the base property).
getOrCreate(id or elem, options)instanceSearches for an instance by id or element (checks the base property), if not found - creates a new instance with specified options.
init(options)instanceInitializes the component.
destroy(destroyOptions)instanceDestroys the component. Accepts an object as options { remove: false, keepInstance: false, keepState: false }.
update(options)instanceAccepts options as an argument and updates the component.
toggle(tab,toggleOptions,force)promiseToggles the tabs’s visibility state between shown and hidden. Accepts true or false as params which sets the animated option or an object { animated: true, silent: false }.
show(tab,toggleOptions)promiseShows the tab. Accepts the same options as toggle().
hide(tab,toggleOptions)promiseHides the tab. Accepts the same options as toggle().
initTabs()tabInstanceSearches for all elements specified in the tab option and initializes them.
initTab(Element)tabInstanceAccepts a tab element and initializes it.
getTab(Element)tabInstanceIn the list of initiated tabs, finds a tab by the HTMLElement, CSSSelector or index.


idStringThe id of the base element.
isInitBooleanIndicates whether the instance is already initialized.
optsObjectContains the currently applied options for the current breakpoint.
baseOptsObjectContains all options, including the breakpoints property.
base, tablistElementAll components have a base property, which refers to the element through which the component is initialized and where events are fired. tablist is a synonym for base.
lastShownTabtabInstanceThe last tab that was shown.
tabstabInstance[]Returns an array of all tabs.
shownTabstabInstance[]Returns an array of all shown tabs.

Tab Instance Properties

idStringThe id of the tabpanel element.
tabElementReference to the tab element.
tabpanelElementReference to the tabpanel element.
indexNumberThe order number of the tab.
isOpenBooleanIndicates whether the tab is currently shown.
isDisabledBooleanIndicates whether the tab is currently disabled.
initialPlaceNodeNodeReference to the node that is in the place of the tabpanel element before it was moved or removed.

Class Properties

DefaultObjectContains the default options for the component.
DefaultA11yObjectContains the default options for the a11y option.
instancesMapA Map that contains all instances of the Tablist class.


beforeInitinstanceEvent will fired right before initialization.
initinstanceFires when initialization has been completed.
beforeShowinstance, tabInstance, {trigger, event}Fires immediately when the show() method is called.
showinstance, tabInstance, {trigger, event}Fires when the element becomes visible, but the CSS transition hasn’t started yet.
showninstance, tabInstance, {trigger, event}Fires when the CSS transition hasn’t been completed.
beforeHideinstance, tabInstance, {trigger, event}Fires immediately when the hide() method is called.
hideinstance, tabInstance, {trigger, event}Fires just before the CSS transition starts.
hiddeninstance, tabInstance, {trigger, event}Fires when the CSS transition has been completed.
beforeDestroyinstanceFires before the instance is destroyed.
destroyinstanceFires immediately when the destroy() method is called.
breakpointinstance, breakpoint, prevBreakpointFires when the breakpoint has been changed.
anyeventName, instanceFires on any event occurrence. The first argument contains the name of the event.
2024 © A Project by Anatolii Moldovanov