To start, create a <div>
with a data-ui-collapse
attribute, and a <button>
with the data-ui-toggle
attribute, specifying the div’s id
<button data-ui-toggle="my-collapse">Toggle content</button>
<div data-ui-collapse id="my-collapse" hidden>...</div>
Then, initialize all elements with the data-ui-collapse
import { Collapse } from "jolty";
Animation can be created in many ways, here are just a few examples:
<div data-ui-collapse data-ui-transition="collapse-fade" hidden>...</div>
<div data-ui-collapse class="collapsible-panel" hidden>...</div>
.collapsible-panel.ui-leave-active {
transition-duration: 200ms;
transition-property: height, opacity;
transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
overflow: hidden;
.collapsible-panel.ui-leave-from {
height: var(--ui-transition-height);
.collapsible-panel.ui-leave-to {
opacity: 0;
height: 0;
data-ui-enter-active="transition-all duration-200 ease-in-out"
data-ui-leave-active="transition-all duration-200 ease-in-out"
data-ui-enter-from="opacity-0 height-0"
data-ui-leave-to="opacity-0 height-0"
<div id="my-collapse" hidden>...</div>
new Collapse("#my-collapse", {
transition: "collapse",
// or
transition: { name: "collapse" },
// or
transition: {
enterActive: "transition-all duration-200 ease-in-out",
enterFrom: "opacity-0",
enterTo: "h-[--ui-transition-height]",
leaveActive: "transition-all duration-200 ease-in-out",
leaveFrom: "h-[--ui-transition-height]",
leaveTo: "opacity-0",
// or
transition: {
enterActive: { transition: "all 200ms ease-in-out" },
enterFrom: { opacity: 0 },
enterTo: { height: "var(--ui-transition-height)" },
leaveActive: { transition: "all 200ms ease-in-out" },
leaveFrom: { height: "var(--ui-transition-height)" },
leaveTo: { opacity: 0 },
The Collapse
component supports the data-ui-dismiss
attribute, which is common for almost all components and data-ui-dismiss="collapse"
, which only closes collapse. In this example, we use data-ui-autodestroy
because after closing it, we want to remove the element from the DOM and from the JS memory.
<div data-ui-collapse data-ui-autodestroy data-ui-transition="scale-down-fade" role="alert" class="ui-alert ui-alert--primary">
<div class="ui-icon ui-icon--info-circle"></div>
<div><strong>Hi there!</strong> I just want to say that you are wonderful and to have a nice day.</div>
<button type="button" class="ui-btn-close" data-ui-dismiss="collapse" aria-label="Close"></button>
Name | Type | Default | Description |
init | Boolean | true | Should the instance be automatically initialized when an instance is created? If false , you’ll need to manually initiate it by calling collapse.init() . |
destroy | Boolean | false | Allows you to destroy an instance at a specific breakpoint. |
data | String | '' | Allows you to use the default options that have been added by the static method. Attribute: data-ui-collapse |
on | Object | null | Used to register event handlers. |
appear | Boolean | null | If you want to apply a transition upon initialization as well, you can set this option to true . Attribute: data-ui-appear |
eventPrefix | String | 'ui-collapse:' | Prefix for events dispatched on the collapse element. |
eventDispatch | Boolean, EventName[] | true | Defines if events are dispatched or used only within options. |
eventBubble | Boolean, EventName[] | true | Defines if events should bubble up the DOM. |
breakpoints | Object | null | Defines custom options for specific breakpoints. |
shown | Boolean | null | Defines if the collapse is expanded after initialization. By default, it’s null , which means it checks the hidden attribute or another attribute, depending on stateMode . |
toggler | CSSSelector, Element, Element[], Function | ({id}) => '[data-ui-toggle~="id"],[href="#id"]' | Defines the toggler element. |
togglerClassActive | String | 'ui-active' | CSS class for toggler element when the collapse element is expanded. |
collapseClassActive | String | 'ui-active' | CSS class for the collapse element when it’s expanded. |
awaitAnimation | Boolean | false | Can the collapse state be switched if it’s in the process of animation? |
hashNavigation | Boolean | true | Defines whether to open the collapse during initialization if the URL hash and the it’s id are the same. Attribute: data-ui-hash-navigation |
dismiss | Boolean, CSSSelector | true | Allows the collapse to be closed when the button is clicked. By default, it’s true , meaning the hide() method will be called when the button with the '[data-ui-dismiss=""],[data-ui-dismiss="collapse"]' attribute is clicked. |
autodestroy | Boolean | false | Defines whether the instance should be destroyed after closing. Attribute: data-ui-autodestroy |
a11y | Boolean | true | Adds aria-controls , aria-expanded and role="button" attributes to the toggler element. |
stateMode | String | 'hidden' | Accepts one of the next values 'hidden','hidden-until-found','inert','class-hidden','class-shown','remove' Attribute: data-ui-hide-mode |
keepPlace | Boolean | true | Defines if the component’s space is preserved when removed by stateMode: 'remove' . |
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
teleport | CSSSelector, Element, TeleportOptions | null | Object with TeleportOptions or CSSSelector, Element to set the to option for the teleport. Attribute: data-ui-teleport |
to | CSSSelector, Element | null | Defines where to move the collapse element. |
position | String | 'beforeend' | Defines the position for the collapse element once it has been moved. Accepts one of the next values 'beforebegin','afterbegin','beforeend' or 'afterend' |
keepPlace | Boolean | false | Defines if the collapse element keeps its original place after being destroyed. |
For more details on how to use, read the State mode section.
For more details on how to use, read the Transition section.
Name | Return | Description |
init() | instance | Initializes the component. |
destroy(destroyOptions) | instance, null | Destroys the component and accepts an object as a option { remove: false, keepInstance: false, keepState: false } . |
update(options) | instance | Accepts options as an argument and updates the component. |
on(name, handler) | instance | Allows you to register event handler. |
off(name, handler) | instance | Allows you to remove event handler. |
toggle(toggleOptions, force) | promise | Toggles the component’s visibility state between shown and hidden. Accepts true or false as a option, which sets the animated option or an object { animated: true, silent: false } . |
show(toggleOptions) | promise | Opens the component and accepts the same options as the toggle() method. |
hide(toggleOptions) | promise | Closes the component and accepts the same options as the toggle() method. |
Name | Return | Description |
toggle(id, force, toggleOptions) | promise | Searches for an instance by id and calls its toggle() method with the specified options. |
show(id, toggleOptions) | promise | Searches for an instance by id and calls its show() method with the specified options. |
hide(id, toggleOptions) | promise | Searches for an instance by id and calls its hide() method with the specified options. |
data(name?, data) | Class | Sets default options for components that have the property data:'name' or by the attribute data-ui-collapse="name" . |
updateDefault(options) | options | Updates default options. |
initAll(root) | instance[] | Searches for elements in root , which defaults to document with the attribute data-ui-collapse and initializes them. |
get(id or elem) | instance | Searches for an instance by id or element (checks the base property). |
getOrCreate(id or elem, options) | instance | Searches for an instance by id or element (checks the base property), if not found, creates a new instance with specified options. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the base / collapse element. |
isInit | Boolean | Indicates whether the instance is already initialized. |
opts | Object | Contains the currently applied options for the current breakpoint. |
baseOpts | Object | Contains all options, including the breakpoints option. |
base, collapse | Element | All components have a base property, which refers to the element through which the component is initialized and where events are fired. collapse is the same as base . |
isOpen | Boolean | Indicates whether the collapse is currently shown. |
initialPlaceNode | Node | Reference to the node that is located where the collapse element was at the moment of initialization. |
Name | Type | Description |
Default | Object | Contains the default options for all instances. |
instances | Map | A Map that contains all instances of the Collapse class. |
Name | Arguments | Description |
beforeInit | instance | Event will fired right before initialization. |
init | instance | Fires when initialization has been completed. |
beforeShow | instance, {trigger, event} | Fires immediately when the show() method is called. |
show | instance, {trigger, event} | Fires when the element becomes visible, but the CSS transition hasn’t started yet. |
shown | instance, {trigger, event} | Fires when the CSS transition hasn’t been completed. |
beforeHide | instance, {trigger, event} | Fires immediately when the hide() method is called. |
hide | instance, {trigger, event} | Fires just before the CSS transition starts. |
hidden | instance, {trigger, event} | Fires when the CSS transition has been completed. |
beforeDestroy | instance | Fires before the instance is destroyed. |
destroy | instance | Fires immediately when the destroy() method is called. |
breakpoint | instance, breakpoint, prevBreakpoint | Fires when the breakpoint has been changed. |
any | eventName, instance | Fires on any event occurrence. The first argument contains the name of the event. |